Pre-employment Skills Assessment
As part of the initial screening process for certain clerical positions, applicants are requested to attend a skills assessment test. Testing requirements will be notated on the job bulletin. Participation in this test is highly recommended but not required. However, failure to participate in this testing could eliminate a candidate from further consideration for the position for which they have applied.
Applicants must complete the test during the application period only. No testing will be allowed outside of an application period. Testing must be completed at the Office of Human Resources.
An appointment to test is required. Someone from the College will contact you.
A picture I.D. is required for entry into the testing room. Tests should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.

Testing takes place at the Office of Human Resources, located in building 500.
Office of Human Resources
3421 Meridian St. N
Building 500, Room 501
Huntsville, AL 35811